The perfect conditions for Winter Golf are here!

Costa de la Luz, with its extremely pleasant and smooth climate, is the perfect golf destination during the winter months, ie October to May. And, if you want to come from May to September, of course we'll fix that too!

Temperature: During the winter months, the climate here is milder than in most other parts of Europe. Daytime temperatures are usually between 15°C and 20°C, providing perfect conditions for golf. On some days the temperature can reach up to 25°C, especially on sunny days. The night temperature drops slightly and can be around 10°C to 15°C.

Sunshine: The Costa de la Luz is known for its sunny weather, and the winter months are no different. Here you enjoy sunny days 300 days a year. Good Scandinavian summer weather is a good analogy for most of the winter.

Rainfall: The amount of rain is relatively low during the winter months. Precipitation is usually sporadic and short-lived, and most rain usually falls in the form of short showers or during the night. Prolonged periods of rain are rare.

Wind: The Costa de la Luz is known for its gentle breeze from the Atlantic Ocean, especially in the afternoons. However, this is usually not a problem for us golfers, but the wind can actually be refreshing and add some spice to the round.

Clothing: During the winter months, we recommended clothing according to the 'layer-on-layer principle'. Often it is no problems to play in shorts/skirt and short sleeves or a light sweater. But, it's always good to bring a windbreaker or jumper for cooler mornings and evenings. And, to be on the safe side on gloomy days, maybe a rain suit in the bag just in case.

The bottom line is that the Costa de la Luz offers a very pleasant golfing climate during the winter months. With mild temperatures, lots of sun and low rainfall, this is an ideal place to stay for a long time in a beautiful and relaxing environment.


Ayamonte / Isla Canela

Punta Umbria

El Rompido


Finca Contrabando

Sätt en extra knorr på din longstay med en eller några nätter på en underbar plats.

Denna okända pärla ligger i Sanlucar, ca 40 minuter upp längs gränsfloden Guadiana.

Balsam för själen utlovas.


Vistelsetid, boende, hyrbil och antal golfrundor. Se det som ett lego där ni bygger ihop det precis som ni önskar.
2 veckor, 1 månad eller ännu längre?
5, 10, 15, 20 rundor eller obegränsad golf?
Lägenhet i stan, vid golfbanan eller på stranden?
Liten eller större hyrbil?

995 €

per person och månad


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